Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"The Machine is Us/ing Us " (Video)

That video was awesome! I’ve seen a lot of interesting Youtube videos in the past, but that was definitely one of the most memorable and unique videos I have seen in a long time. Created by Michal Wesch, the Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University, the video, entitled “The Machine is Us/ing Us,” gave a brief history of the Internet, and highlighted some of its basic uses and features. From beginning to end this video completely captured my attention. Through its quick pace, creative style, and catchy music, this video was not only entertaining but educational. I absolutely loved the transitions between topics, the artistic quality of the piece, and his innovative approach to illustrating this information.

My favorite quote from the video (its title), which states “The machine is us/ing us,” also ties in with a comment that Holly Mathys made on her blog, “Such is Life.” Holly made an interesting point when she mentioned that on the Internet, “What is real and what is not…how does one know the difference?” The Internet is an interesting blend of ideas, opinions, and beliefs, and it is the responsibility of the viewer to keep an open and understanding mind. We have always been cautioned to “…not believe everything that we see on the Internet,” and after watching this video, I will think twice about what I see and hear.

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